

14.90 €
40 questions
Μαθητές & Σπουδαστές
Lyceum & University students and Companies
Επαγγελματικού Προσανατολισμού
Abstract Reasoning
20 - 30 minutes
Do you want to find out if professions that require rational thinking are suitable for you, and if you are capable of managing difficult situations, or if a prospective employee in your company is capable of solving complex problems? The Abstract Reasoning Test will give you the answers you need.

The test is taken entirely online

Simple questions

Immediate & reliable results

ake the Abstract Reasoning Test and:

If you are a student, try your hand at solving problems that require logical thinking

If you are a business executive, see if you can handle a crisis situation effectively

If you are an employer, get a complete picture of the candidate you are considering hiring for your business

The Abstract Reasoning Test was created with the aim of evaluating a person's complex and abstract thinking through a series of logical reasoning sequences. It provides information about the individual's logical ability, critical thinking, ability to deal with complex data and concepts, as well as the ability to solve complex problems.

The participant is asked to interpret the abstract ideas and concepts provided and then apply the appropriate logical sequence in order to answer each question.

The Abstract Reasoning ability rate generated, results from the comparison of the participant's performance to that of the general population that shares the same basic characteristics with the participant (gender, age, etc.).

The test includes simple questions addressing abstract ideas and concepts, the answers to which will require you to apply the appropriate logical sequence and rational order.

The results report will provide you with useful information regarding your logical ability, your critical thinking skills and your ability to solve problems that involve complex concepts.

Responsible for the development of the questionnaire is Dr Ioannis Tsaousis, Assistant Professor in Psychometrics in the Department of Psychology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He graduated from Department of Psychology of the University of Crete, completed the specialization diploma (M.Sc.) at the University of Reading in research methodology and statistics in Psychology and, as IKY Fellow, received his Ph.D. from the University of London - Goldsmith’s College, in Psychometry.

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