

59.50 €

The best career counseling online platform! Find all the information you need on the screen of your mobile, tablet and computer. A unique personalized information tool for every pupil, student and parent. This updated, interactive, valid, friendly and easy-to-use tool, will help you find all the information you need about the departments of Greek universities, Postgraduate studies, Alternative Careers and the latest educational news.

With e-PamePanepistimio you can easily complete your University Preference sheet (Mechanographikο) through the grade calculation application!

ASK A COUNSELOR – A NEW pioneering service from e- PamePanepistimio, so that you do not have any unanswered questions. The Orientum scientific team is here to answer your concerns.

The cost refers to a calendar year.

The BEST career counseling online platform

Study Guides of all Departments, Military Schools and Security Forces

Interactive tools for comparing faculties, calculating grades, fluctuating bases

All educational news. Specialized videos, images and infographics

Professional Rights, Alternative Careers, Postgraduate Programs

A unique personalized information tool for each student

All information directly, on the mobile phone, according to the preferences of each student

Easy completion of the University Preference sheet (Mechanographikο)

Up to date information on all education system changes

Latest news, exclusive scientific research and educational articles