

74.40 €
204 questions
Μαθητές & Σπουδαστές
Lyceum & University students and Companies
Επαγγελματικού Προσανατολισμού
Professional Personality
20 - 30 minutes
What would be your ideal job position based on the most important and prominent elements of your personality? Executive Director? Moderator? Coordinator? Resource Manager? Are your business executives natural team players, or do they work best independently? The TPQue - Traits Personality Questionnaire will help you find the answers you need.

The test is taken entirely online

Simple questions

Immediate & reliable results

Take the TPQue - Traits Personality Questionnaire and:

If you are a student, discover the professional role that suits you best based on your personality

If you are a business executive, discover which professional position suits you best according to your personality and clearly identify your strengths and weaknesses

As a company manager, evaluate and categorize your business executives accordingly, in order to better illuminate their role and responsibilities in the company

Outline your personality profile based on a spectrum-scale analysis of the five basic personality traits, namely Extroversion, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, Kindness, and Conscientiousness

The TPQue - Traits Personality Questionnaire is the first professional personality questionnaire developed entirely in the Greek language and designed to evaluate the five basic personality dimensions according to the Big-Five Theory. The TPQue was created based on the definitions of the well accepted personality dimensions proposed by the Big-Five Theory (Extroversion, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, Kindness and Conscientiousness), taking also into account the national and cultural characteristics of the Greek population. The TPQue assesses 30 work behavior characteristics (People Contact, Leadership Skills, Willingness to Change, Compromise, Lack of Calm, Efficiency, Goals Achievement, Organization, Judgment, etc.), as well as the 9 possible work positions that individuals might occupy as members of a working team (Moderator, Team Player, Coordinator, Specialist, Organizing Manager, etc.).

As a user, you will be asked to answer some simple questions that do not require special knowledge or skills. The results report you will receive immediately after submitting your answers will indicate the degree to which your personality matches the nine different types of professional roles (Executive Director, Integrator, Moderator, Coordinator, Resource Manager, Team Player, Organising Manager, Auditor - Appraiser, Specialist) that this test describes.

Responsible for the development of the TPQue questionnaire isDr Ioannis Tsaousis, Assistant Professor in Psychometrics in the Department of Psychology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Graduated from Department of Psychology, University of Crete, completed the specialization diploma (M.Sc.) at the University of Reading in research methodology and statistics in Psychology and, as IKY Fellow, received his Ph.D. from the University of London - Goldsmith’s College, in Psychometry. Today he teaches as a Professor of Psychometry at the Department Of Psychology of the University of Crete.

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